Best Restaurants in San Antonio

Best Restaurants in San Antonio

Best Restaurants in San Antonio The husband and I love food. Especially food from around the world. We eat pretty much anything and love to try new cuisines. So one of our favorite past times is to find authentic, preferably family-run restaurants in San Antonio that...
Edible Insects – A Push Outside Your Comfort Zone

Edible Insects – A Push Outside Your Comfort Zone

Edible Insects – Oh My! Guest Post by Rachel from Rachel’s Ruminations: My sister recently sent us some gifts: among them, insects. To be specific, crickets (packaged as “Crick-ettes,” for some strange reason) and worm larvae (packaged as “Larvets”). They...
German Pork Roast Recipe – Schweinebraten

German Pork Roast Recipe – Schweinebraten

German Pork Roast Recipe German Pork Roast aka Schweinebraten is the quintessential Sunday dinner option for Germany and one of the most typical German foods you can get. Except that we eat it for lunch, not dinner. But you get my point. I grew up in Germany and I can...